
M.A.R.S. has significant experience in representing disputes across the utilities industry.

The Litigation department is made up of an integrated team of experienced professionals with a solid expertise that allows them to prepare a high-profile technical defense in all types of proceedings, ordinary and special, concerning energy, telephony and utility contracts in general.


M.A.R.S.’s Energy Department is made up of lawyers who have also gained many years of experience in the specific sector, assisting several multinationals operating in the energy field. He deals with conciliations before the regulatory authority (ARERA Desk) both in the context of the TICO and in the relations between the various operators in the supply chain (sellers, distributors, transporters) assisting various operators in the sector including well-known multinationals, also in contracts on electricity and gas (e.g. storage, transportation, trading, gas sale to REMI,  to industrial customers and end consumers, contracts for the supply and purchase of electricity from renewable sources – cogeneration, wind, hydro, solar). They have also gained experience in the energy efficiency sector, assisting numerous medium/large companies in contracts relating to energy bonuses (50/65/90/110% bonuses – energy plus service contracts – credit transfer contracts with banks, etc.).


M.A.R.S has a specific department that deals with Telecommunications, providing specific assistance to leading companies in the national and international market.

The Firm deals with:

  1. a) representation, assistance, advice and defence in disputes between the Operator and Users, pursuant to Communications Authority resolution no. 173/07 and subsequent additions and amendments, pending before Corecom for procedures UG, GU5 and GU14;
  2. b) management of litigation relating to all proceedings, including precautionary proceedings, brought by users before the Justices of the Peace, the Courts and the Courts of Appeal throughout the Italian territory with introductory acts concerning inefficiencies or alleged non-compliance and in any case falling within the scope of the so-called “Customer Litigation”;

Clients are assisted in every aspect of litigation management, from the preliminary stages of the preliminary investigation, to the execution of the judgments obtained, with a strong focus on the constant search for settlement options.

Department of legal aid for healthcare professionals

The M.A.R.S. Law Firm reinforces the team and creates the “health malpractice” department with the aim of always being at the side of healthcare personnel and related structures who are too often the victim of legal actions, even manifestly unfounded.

The firm’s department is made up of a group of lawyers with proven experience in the sector who have been involved in supporting doctors and all healthcare professionals involved in both criminal and civil litigation.

In recent years, doctors, both working in the NHS and in the private sector, have increasingly been victims of complaints, lawsuits and legal actions that often turn out to be unfounded: these actions compromise not only the professionalism and efficiency of the entire medical sector, but also harm the dignity of those who have chosen, out of dedication and passion, to carry out this important profession.

The M.A.R.S. Law Firm Law Firm, collaborating with a team of professionals and external forensic consultants with proven experience, offers legal advice to all its clients through the study and evaluation of any compensation claims, to allow the doctor and/or the structure involved, the concrete exercise of the right of defense and the definition of the judicial case both on the civil and criminal fronts,  as well as insurance and disciplinary.

Over the years, the M.A.R.S. Law Firm has worked with important insurance brokers, including EDGE Broker S.r.l., and has taken on tasks to defend their clients under policies that include legal protection. This collaboration can be to the advantage of the assisted healthcare professionals, allowing them to take advantage of the coverage of legal expenses related to the legal representation of one of M.A.R.S.’s lawyers and any technical advice from the party.